Reviewer Instructions

UKASH is a part of the Jayhawk Rising initiative’s commitment to having a centralized location for scholarship opportunities. With UKASH, all reviewer information is now in one location for departments to review scholarship applications and award financial aid to selected students. You may be asked to serve on a committee that selects students for a departmental scholarship. Follow along with the information below.

How To:

New reviewers receive invitation emails

  • If you don't already have a user account in UKASH, you'll automatically receive an invitation email (on the Begin Review Period date set on your opportunity).
  • Select your invitation link in the email, which will bring you into the system and give you the chance to select a password.

Existing reviewers receive notification emails

  • If you already have an account, you'll receive a notification email when you have reviews assigned.

    You'll only receive these emails:

    • Once per day

    • From opportunities with open review periods

    • For reviews you haven't already seen in their Reviewer portal

  1.  ​Go to the UKASH website.
  2. At the top right, select Sign In.

  3. At the top right, select References and Reviewers.

  4. Enter your log-in information and select Sign In.

  1. Select the link provided in the email.

  2. To learn more about an opportunity (description, review deadlines, number of awards, etc.), select Opportunity Details.

  3. Choose an application and select Begin.

  4. At the top right, choose a view:

    • Review: View your review questionnaire

    • Application: View the submitted application

    • Side-by-Side: Move into a full-screen view of both your review questionnaire and the submitted application

      Note: To return to the previous page, select Exit Side-by-Side at the bottom of the page.

  5. Fill out your review questionnaire.

  6. Select a progress option:

    • Submit: To finish this review and move to the next

    • Save: To save your progress and stay on the current screen

  7. Continue submitting reviews until you're finished.

To confirm that you've completed all your reviews, select Opportunities at the top left. Under Assigned Reviews, you'll see the total number assigned and completed.

Tip: If you need to update a review, do it before the Reviews Due By date in the Opportunity Details. Otherwise, you'll no longer be able to make changes.